Sunday, March 2, 2008

Mandy in Wonderland

This is one of those posts... you know the kind; a rave. It is going to talk about how great Mandy is. Now, if you know Mandy you will continue reading because you know she is great and you just can't get enough of her. If you don't have the honor of knowing Mandy (yet) then you will still continue reading because you know me and you therefore know that I am an elitist and only am friends with those worth knowing.

The thing about Mandy is that she really has a zest for life. Just enough to be contagious. I love doing things with Mandy because she doesn't half-ass anything. If she is going to do it, she is really going to do it.

So it was with her birthday celebration. We wanted a theme that could be fun with out being obnoxious. We settled on "Mandy in Wonderland" and went with the Mad Hatter Tea Party and visit to the Queen of Hearts.

There was karaoke, cookies, cider, cocoa, hula hooping, bubble blowing & all around magic. But that doesn't account for the true reason of the party success; it was because people love being around Mandy.

This is cliche, but when I am around Mandy I want to be better (hence why even after a few paragraphs I am feeling a tinge of guilt for putting the word "ass" in a post about Mandy- she would never approve). But, then again I love Mandy because she knows me, really knows me, and she still loves me. She is a bitcheesey sometimes, but all around a great person and a great friend.



Peter said...

Mandy is one of the best. Mand and McMary are two of my favorites.

Mandy said...

McMary I am so happy that I can be known as McMandy!! I may be great but you are wonderful!! This weekend says it all:
1. You can plan a fantastic party!!
2. You are so generious.
3. You are yourself and proud of it!! (However, the swearing remark in this post is beneath you.)
4. You are also "Go big or go home." That is why we dominate.
5. You dominated in sacrament meeting.
6. You dominated on the highway...take that Brad.
7. You dominate ____ and _______ minds.

Simply...You are the Greatest!! Thanks for the shout out.