If you were close to me back in March of '07, you probably were forced to watch 2 Fast, 2 Furious: Tokyo Drift. It was a movie introduced to me by Michael "Pants/Helgesnuggle/Snugglesons" Helgeson. The movie, aside from having a compelling... dare I say, life changing plot, also boasts a dynamic showmanship of motor sport popular in Asia called "drifting". (Basically you slip your angle, break hard, lose traction, kick the clutch and go on your merry way- drifting about the roadway). This marks my anniversary weekend of watching that movie for the first time. Fitting, considering the story that unfolded on Sunday afternoon which I am about to tell...

Needless to say, this movie has continually inspired me.
A few posts down, I challenged Brad Rogers, DDS, to a race. Brad and I share the same make/model of car. As Mark Twain says "What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight, what counts is the size of the fight in the dog."
The terms were simple: we began at the same starting point, continued on the George Washington Parkway through Alexandria and then home to Arlington. Typically this takes about a half hour on a Sunday.
I left the lot first- Brad was a gentleman, allowing the lady to proceed ahead. Knowing that planning a well timed exit would be crucial. I had a crew (Mandy, Peter, & Matt) who looked out and let me know when there was a short window of time that my car could slip out before oncoming traffic would then block Brad. It was a beautifully orchestrated dance as my car glided across three lanes.
After Brad finally caught up to me, there was a bit of weaving in and out as fellow church goers tried to make their way home.
At this point, Brad did have a strong showing. I was clocked in at like 90ish (speed limit 45) and Brad was at least a football field ahead of me (thanks to a Utah road block *cough*Melanie Beal*cough). His speed? Fast. I was impressed.
Though when I rolled into Old Town I knew that not only speed would win this- but skill. I have navigated the streets of Alexandria many a time before. It is said, if you time the lights on Hwy 1 just right, you can hit them all green. This is something that I have only heard about though. Never have I witnessed it. Until this Sunday.
So, there we were, we broke for Hwy 1, deviating from Brads chosen route along the parkway. I saw my opportunity before me and I had to do it: I slightly ran a pink light to catch the rest green. Every light from the bottom of Washington to Arlington was green! It was a beautifully timed execution on my part.
I was nervous to go to the end point; what if the parkway proved to be faster? What if Brad won? Nonsense.
I pulled into the final destination parking lot and got out. Brad was no where to be found. I had to stand out side my car for a good while waiting for his arrival. Mandy even considered giving them a call to find out where they were... but they did arrive.
Bryson Bauchman, ESQ dissented from the group claiming it wasn't a race, but a game, since we took different routes. However, it was clear from the start that we leave the same place and we arrive at the same destination. First one there wins.
I won.
Here is Brad winning in the game of life:

I would like to thank my crew, and give a loud shout out to Brad and his crew (Bryson, Jack, Kim): you fought a good fight.
I just had to put an asterisk on your victory. I agree with Bryson - you left the track. Pity.
It is true that you can hit all the lights green on rt. 1 if you are skilled enough and not stuck behind slower drivers. But it does require running through a few rellow lights and driving a bit faster than the 25mph speed limit. Congrats on your win. Your car would fit right in with the Tokyo Drift crowd.
this is from your mother. I am gonna kick you a__!! You know better than to race through town. Do you not remember when your brother was send home by the APD after drag racing down James Donlon Blvd?? It is a FELONY to race on city streets.
Having said that... Way to go, I always taught you "if you're going to be a bear, be a grissly"
congrats on the win.. but I'm still gonna kick your a__. Love momma-jo
Hi Mary. I wish I could hear your stories in person...I love you for always making me laugh.
Utah misses you!
Pink light?
Girls always think in pink.
Thanks for the interesting story. Luckly for you, I know your full name and birthday and with a confession like that a conviction won't be hard. It will go alittle something like this. I will call the Virgina State Troopers Office and give them all of your personal information. They will check your name and find all the vehicle's that are registered to you. Since you provided a beautiful description of both cars, the roadways, traffic conditions and speeds they will be able to send you the appropriate citation(s) for the several vehicle codes which you violated. I hope you will receive the full consequences of your actions. I think the judge will find it ammusing.
Mat Moo
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