7:02 PM on September 9th, 2009.... I just realized my pants are on backwards & they have been since I dressed my 28 year old self this morning, approximately 10 hours ago.
(It's important for the readers to know I am not perfect)
P.S. Four minutes later... I haven't turned them around yet. (Don't know if I will). Haha.
I. Like. You. :)
That is hilarious! I think you'd better come visit and act as the court jester for me, the queen. Plus I haven't seen you in FOREVER!
P.S., I've had that stupid "It's you champer gamper, it's you..." in my head for the past week.
hahaha .. i. am. not. suprised.
Too funny! I woke up the other morning and realized I had my pjs on backwards. Glad I'm not alone. However, I didn't venture into public. :)
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