The leaves fall, the fruits are harvested. Ah, I can't wait for Fall to arrive.
Now, Summer is full of things I enjoy: pool days, sunshine, lemonade, relaxed attitudes, baseball, and American pride. But that season has run its course and as the summer sun grows dim, I can't help but to get anxious for Fall. I am anticipating it daily; to feel a storm brewing, to see the leaves turn, to take a deep breath of the crisp air, to smell the pumpkin. I had an affair with Summer, but I am married to the Fall. I can't wait for it's return. I miss it.
Last year I came up with this little comparison to illustrate my love for the season, a refresher:

I like Fall as much as I like the color red... and that is a lot. Here is a list of colors I like, and the order in which I like them:
1. Red
2. (intentionally left blank)
109. Black
110. Purple
209. All other
colors- they all tie for two-hundred and ninth place.
The point is I like red that much more then all the others. Same with Fall.
I am also much easier in the fall. That's right, you heard me, easy. No, not that kind of easy... it's just that the fall evokes a sense of adventure and contentment in me that can't be found any other time of the year. It is easier to get me out, to try new things, to be complacent.
So, to Summer: I bid you farewell, at some point in the near future when the snow falls I will miss you madly, but in the meantime... to Fall: welcome, I have been waiting.
I'm hoping that one of the adventures this fall will be a trip to my house. Come play with me!
Some people's season of love is Spring. Mine is Autumn. It always has been, and I don't imagine it will ever change. Autumn just stirs something inside of me. I haven't ever been able to pinpoint what exactly it is, but it's lovely.
I love the seasons in this order:
1. summer
2. fall
4. spring
500. (or never) winter ..
I cringe whenever people mention the end of summer but I saw this quote and remembered that fall is a little bit magical.
This was one of those perfect New England days in late summer where the spirit of autumn takes a first stealing flight, like a spy, through the ripening country-side, and, with feigned sympathy for those who droop with August heat, puts her cool cloak of bracing air about leaf and flower and human shoulders. ~Sarah Orne Jewett
Mary, you are cute. I love to read your blog. Also, I love love love fall.
what is up with us? CAMPING???
ps. i laughed my ass off at your comment on my fb page last night...and then larren did. so funny. i KNEW you'd read it!
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