Often, I venture to the movies alone. I liberated myself a few years ago, and have gone solo to movie theaters on a regular basis ever since. My favorite place to watch movies is a little theater in Shirlington. There's no real good reason I love that place so much. It doesn't have stadium seating, the theaters are small, and the screens are low, it's pretty old, and the audiences are sparse. But hey, I do like to put my feet on the backs of the seats in front of me, and usually the audience consists only of a few housewives, a few elderly couples, and me. [Insert here predicted comments about a.) how I can't wait to be a housewife or 1/2 of an elderly couple and b.) how I don't have a "real job" and thus go to the movies in the middle of the day]
Friday, I had some time in the late afternoon and decided to go astray to a theater I never go to. It's inside a mall; I thought shopping and perhaps I would take in a matinee.
There should be no question what I wanted to see: Disney's new animated film "The Princess and the Frog". I thirsted for the feel good, high moral, musical cartoon.
At 1:22pm on Friday afternoon I walked into the theater and found a different scene then which I am accustomed: there were a bunch of moms and kids and then, the best shock of all.. peppered through out the seats were fellow solo movie-goers, but they were men! Now, mind you, this theater/mall is situated among various government agencies and many large, national, non-profit organizations. At least three of the men were still in suits. One of them was wearing some pretty thuggish street clothes and had a pierced ear or at least he should have. But mostly, they were middle aged business men sneaking out in the middle of their lunch breaks to watch "The Princess & the Frog". They were alone and they were ashamed.
I couldn't get over it. I mean, sure, it makes sense- when else would they be able to go watch that movie? Like any self-respecting straight man with out kids, they were forced to sneak around to watch the new Disney movie. How would they ever explain this to their girlfriends? What would their dude friends say? Really, there is no other way for them. This was their only opportunity.
But, their secret is not so secret anymore: I know, and now you know. The thing is: it's OK. As a matter of fact, I am proud of them... both for going and for keeping it a secret.
Thought I was the only other person who liked going to movies by myself. Glad it is one of you're guilty pleasures as well. It's probably because we're independent gals from California.
P.s. Remeber that one time we did go to the movies together, at Shirlington, no less, and we heard in a very excited voice, "Do you think Al Pacino is really single?"
I love going to the movies alone.
1. Going to movies solo is not good (please reconsider this habit).
2. These men were not there to watch The Princess and the Frog. They were there to watch the little children watch the movie, which proves my point about my first point.
I too go to movies by myself. It isn't that strange when you think about it because you really shouldn't be chatting during a movie anyway. You go, you watch you leave. Going to play ping pong by yourself would be weird, but a movie not so much.
1. You brought me back to the first time I "soloed" alone to a movie. It was sold out and I was way up front but it was liberating. Now I love doing it! That was when I 18 years old!
2. I'm glad you didn't keep it a secret. Fascinating!
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